Proud to Attend the 31st Plant & Animal Genome Conference
PAG31 is the premier and largest Ag genomics meeting in the world. Meet us there to learn how our gene editing tools, Cas-CLOVER nuclease and piggyBac transposase, can enable research and commercial product development.
Meet with Demeetra!
Gianguido Coffa will be attending PAG31. While attending, he would love to meet in person to discuss how our gene-editing technologies, Cas-CLOVER and hyperactive piggyBac, may be the solution you need for your projects.
Cas-CLOVER, The Clean Alternative to CRISPR/Cas9
With more precision, high efficiency, flexible design, larger deletions & simpler screening, Cas-CLOVER surpasses Cas9 in a multitude of facets. Cas-CLOVER leverages two gRNAs and two dimerized Clo051 nucleases to ensure these “molecular scissors” snip the right site.
Foot-Print Free Gene Editing With piggyBac
With piggyBac, genes are stably inserted, easily mapped and genomic/phenotype reversion is seamless. Validated in animal, yeast, and plant cells, piggyBac can seamlessly introduce and excise small or large cargo ranging from selection markers and Cas-CLOVER to full genes, multi-gene constructs and entire bacterial-artificial-chromosomes (BACs).