Demeetra Was Proud to Be At The 5th Annual CRISPR AgBio Congress

The 5th Annual CRISPR AgBio Congress will unite research leaders, molecular biologists, regulatory experts, and product developers across the industry working to translate cutting-edge CRISPR technology into a tangible product.

February 14 - 16, 2023
San Diego, California


Learn About The Latest in Genome Editing

Jack Crawford, Demeetra's Chief Executive Officer, will be presenting "Unique Genome Editing Opportunities with Cas-CLOVER, A Proven Alternative to Cas9"

When: 9:00am, February 15th (Day One)


Cas-CLOVER, The Clean Alternative to CRISPR/Cas9

With more precision, high efficiency, flexible design, larger deletions & simpler screening, Cas-CLOVER surpasses Cas9 in a multitude of facets. Cas-CLOVER leverages two gRNAs and two dimerized Clo051 nucleases to ensure these “molecular scissors” snip the right site.


Footprint Free Gene Editing With piggyBac

With piggyBac, genes are stably inserted, easily mapped and genomic/phenotype reversion is seamless. Validated in animal, yeast, and plant cells, piggyBac can seamlessly introduce and excise small or large cargo - ranging from selection markers and Cas-CLOVER to full genes, multi-gene constructs and entire bacterial-artificial-chromosomes (BACs).